Wesley Kavanagh

Using the Gift of Teaching to Edify, Strengthen and Challenge Believers to Think Christianly, Take Dominion of Creation as Image Bearers of God

Think, Lead, Change

In order to effect change, to lead with passion, we learn to think differently. We must learn to think Christianly. We must bring every thought, word and action under the authority of Christ. Words and actions begin with our thoughts, and therefore we must begin by thinking differently.

  • The Four Attitudes of Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Resiliency

    These are challenging times. Mental, emotional and spiritual health are more important now than they have ever been. We must begin to think differently about God, ourselves and our place in His Creation if we are to successfully navigate our way through the circumstances in which we find ourselves. You and I must develop a…

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  • Thinking Christianly

    If I were to ask you what the Gospel was and its purpose, how would you answer? Most would say something like, “Jesus died for my sins”.  Others might say, “Christ died in my place, was buried and rose again.”  There might be those who would quote John 3:16, I Corinthians 15:3-4, or Romans 10:9.…

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